A conference commemorating the war heroes killed in the battle of Doberdo was held at the Institute and Museum of Military History, MOD in Budapest on 5 October.

Italian and Hungarian historians, military historians, soldiers, public figures and researchers gave lectures at the event.

Colonel Dr György Markó, Deputy Director of the IMMH MoD emphasized that the two nations had always shown sympathy and understanding towards each other. Even in one of the bloodiest fights of the WWI the Italian and Hungarian soldiers acknowledged each other’s bravery and mourned the fallen comrades together.

Gino Maniacco, Councillor of Gorizia Province commemorated the victims handing over an illustrated history of contemporary battles to György Markó. Colonel Michelle Fasciano, Air and Defence Attaché of Italy accredited to Budapest called Isonzo and Doberdo sites made secular by the heroes of the two nations. He said that Hungarians and the Italians love each other as brothers and he would do his best to maintain this relationship.
Professor Dr Paulo Pozzato, Lecturer of Padua University, Dr Pierlugi Lodi, Councillor for Culture in the Province of Gorizia and Ret. Colonel József Lugosi gave a lecture at the IMMH.

Afterwards the participants of the conference visited the exhibition on WW I.

Text: Dóra Darnyik