At the invitation of General Mieczysław Cieniuch, General Tibor Benkő, Chief of Defence Staff of the Hungarian Defence Forces paid an official visit to Warsaw at the end of April. During the talks military tasks of the Hungarian EU Presidency, peacekeeping operations and the military career model have been reviewed.

During the bilateral talks EU Presidency tasks have been high on the agenda as Poland takes over the rotating Presidency of the Council of the EU as of July 1, 2011. Chief of Defence of the HDF has informed his partner about the military tasks of the Hungarian Presidency and the experiences gained so far. General Mieczysław Cieniuch has briefed his guest on the human resource strategy of the Polish Armed Forces and the reorganization of Volunteer Reserve System. General Tibor Benkő has also conducted talks with the Chairman of the National Defence Commission in the Sejm, Stanisław Wziątek on EU tasks and the impact of the financial crisis on the armed forces. They have fully agreed that a stabile career model should be set up. During his visit to Warsaw the Chief of Defence Staff of the HDF laid wreaths at the Statue of the Unknown Soldier.
