On September the 21st Administrative State Secretary of the MoD Lajos Fodor gave a lecture on the first 100 days of the Ministry of Defence. The State Secretary of the MoD accepted the invitation of MZNDU Security Policy Special College. The event was attracted by great interest.

The Administrative State Secretary recalled the first week’s developments after the change of the government. He referred to the importance of making quick decisions since the establishment of a new administration could not stand any delays. The MoD State Secretaries, the Deputy State Secretaries and their immediate staff took office as early as on the last day of May. Then the positions of the Chief of Defence, his Deputy, the leaders of the Military Security and Intelligence Bureaus were replaced. The following days the leadership reviewed the Foreign Service posts and the list of people nominated to these positions.

The Administrative State Secretary went on talking about the main events of the first month after the change of the government. At that time the MoD’s budget was reviewed and soldiers of the HDF assisted flood relief effort.

The new leadership worked hard organizing the International Air Show and the new system of the swearing-in ceremony. At that time the 3D NATO radar station case was on the agenda, as well. The decision on the final location of the 3D radar is expected soon. The screening of the MoD-run companies and budgetary organizations, the identification of possible abuse and the development of the new communication strategy started in the first month already.

In his lecture Administrative State Secretary Lajos Fodor went on talking about the major tasks of the second month. These were the transformation of the military health care, training officers and a contribution to the establishment of a new university of civil service. Deregulation has given a lot of work to do and will give much more in the short run. Taking over the guarding of the barracks by soldiers of the HDF will be a great task to be carried out in the future.

Referring to the events of the third month of the new government the Administrative State Secretary was talking about the new organizational structure of the Defence Staff of the MoD, followed by a change of approach. The Administrative State secretary reviewed the new structure of the MoD, emphasizing that there have been comprehensive changes in the leadership.

Finally he was speaking about the current issues of defence planning and the strengthening of international relations.

In conclusion, Lajos Fodor affirmed that the capability loss of the HDF’s personnel and military equipment made the fulfilment of constitutional obligations impossible. Although the necessary steps have been taken immediately, it will take years to get these capabilities back.

The Administrative State Secretary confirmed change in priorities and he promised severe, cost-effective governance in the entire field of national defence.

After finishing the lecture Administrative State Secretary Lajos Fodor answered the questions of his audience.

Translated by Dóra Darnyik