Ministry for National Economy

Mihály Varga

Minister for National Economy

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Brussels has welcomed the trustworthy economic policy of Hungary

Ministry for National Economy, May 30, 2012 3:57 PM

The Government considers the proposal of the European Commission a great achievement which recommends that at the 20 June session the former verdict of the Economic and Financial Affairs Council (Ecofin) with regard to the temporary suspension of resources from the Cohesion Fund for Hungary be revoked.
This decision is part of the report by the European Commission on the Convergence Programme and the National Reform Programme which were included in Széll Kálmán Plan 2.0.

Employment rate rising steadily in Hungary

Ministry for National Economy, May 30, 2012 11:23 AM

In February-April 2012 the increase of the number of employed, which has been a trend of the past two years, continued in comparison to the same period of the previous year – the Central Statistics Office of Hungary (KSH) reported earlier today. The number of employed among the population aged 15-74 increased significantly by 52 000 from 3 million 759 thousand one year ago to 3 million 811 thousand. Therefore, the rate of employment increased to 49.7 percent. Among the population aged 15-64 the number of employed increased from 3 million 728 thousand one year ago to 3 million 776 thousand, by 48 000. Thereby the rate of employment in this segment has increased to 56.1 percent.

Domestic retail turnover increased significantly in March

Ministry for National Economy, May 24, 2012 11:43 AM

According to the latest flash report of the Central Statistics Office of Hungary, in March 2012 the volume of retail sales were almost 645.2bn HUF and in Q1 2012 they amounted to 1758.7bn HUF in Hungary. Consequently, the volume of retail sales increased by 0.9 percent in comparison to the same period of the previous year. A determining factor of the increase has been sales at food, drinks and tobacco stores which correspond to almost half of total turnover.

Report on the state of the central sub sector of the state budget in April 2012

Ministry for National Economy, May 22, 2012 3:47 PM

In April 2012 the central sub sector of the state budget registered a surplus of 289.3bn HUF. Within that, the central state budget and extrabudgetary state funds registered surpluses of 283.8bn HUF and 11.3bn HUF, respectively, whereas social security funds registered a deficit of 5.8bn HUF. In the month of April in 2011 the surplus of the central sub sector of the state budget was 75.9bn HUF.

The parliament has voted on the telecom services tax

Ministry for National Economy, May 18, 2012 3:51 PM

The next step is taken in order to establish long term fiscal sustainability and reduce general government debt.

Gross average wages increased by 4.4 percent in the first quarter of the year in Hungary

Ministry for National Economy, May 18, 2012 10:17 AM

In Q1 2012 gross average wages of the national economy increased by 4.4 percent, whereas net wages excluding family tax benefits increased by 1.6 percent in comparison to the corresponding period of the previous year – the KSH has reported earlier today in its statistical release.

Adjusted data signal slight improvement in industrial output

Ministry for National Economy, May 15, 2012 10:30 AM

Workday-adjusted industrial output was 0.6 percent higher in March 2012 than the year before, whereas on the basis of seasonally- and workday-adjusted statistics in the third month of the year output was 0.6 percent higher than in the previous month. Unadjusted data signal a decline of 1.6 percent in industrial production. For the future a very positive piece of data is the 17.1 percent year-on-year increase of new orders in the surveyed month.

The Government submitted to parliament the bills on formerly announced tax measures

Ministry for National Economy, May 11, 2012 6:43 PM

Earlier today the government has submitted to the National Assembly the bills about the implementation of the telecom tax, the financial transaction duty and the uniform insurance tax.

Government’s decisions on system of taxes

Ministry for National Economy, May 9, 2012 6:05 PM

The Government has decided to scrap the banking tax and other sectoral crisis taxes; as of the beginning of 2013, one half of the banking tax will be retained in the system, while as of 2014, this tax will be abolished altogether, Minister for National Economy György Matolcsy said on Wednesday at the Government Spokesperson’s press conference.

In Q1 2012 the number of employed increased more than in the previous quarter

Ministry for National Economy, April 27, 2012 12:18 PM

In Q1 2012 the dynamic increase of the number of employed continued in comparison to the corresponding period of the previous year – the Central Statistics Office (KSH) reported in its latest survey. The number of jobs among the population aged 15-74 years increased significantly by 59 000, more than in the previous quarter, from 3 732 thousand the year before to 3 791 thousand. Consequently, the rate of employment rose to 49.5 percent from the 2011 level. The number of employed among the population aged 15-64 increased from 3 701 thousand in the previous year to 3 756 thousand, by 55 000, and the rate employment thereby increased to 55.7 percent.