On of the gravest issues of Hungary is low employment rate. While the rate of employment in several segments of social groups which are active in the economy is around the EU average, there are a number of well-definable focal points where we have been lagging behind the EU. Such groups include the 50+ generation, career starters, the unskilled or young women with little children. Furthermore, regional differences are also huge in the country.

The government, having recognized this issue, aspires to address these social groups and regions by various competent employment programmes.

Consequently, as a result of the agreement concluded between Mr. Sándor Czomba, Deputy Secretary of State for Employment, and Mr. György Wáberer, president and CEO of the transport firm Waberer’s International Ltd., the company will establish 240 and 120 new jobs in the counties of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, consequently.

At the heart of the programme lie the state-financed training courses for professional international vehicle drivers which will be available for job seekers selected jointly by the Job Centers of County Government Offices and experts from Waberer’s.

The first truck drivers from Borsod and Szabolcs will enter the European long-haul transport market in May. They will initially drive the top-of-the-range, 24-ton, Euro5 heavy vehicles fitted with environmentally friendly engines under the supervision of the experienced drivers of Waberer’s and later on their own.

(Ministry for National Economy)