Key data of the central sub sector of the state budget in October 2012.

In the month of October 2012 the central sub sector of the state budget registered a deficit of 112.3bn HUF. Within that, the central state budget and Social Security Funds registered deficits of 100.6bn HUF and 42.9bn HUF, respectively, while state reserve funds recorded a surplus of 31.2bn HUF. In the month of October 2012 the deficit of the central sub sector of the state budget was attributable to the bringing forward to October the payment of income supplement and family benefits totaling 134.8bn HUF due to public holidays at the beginning of November.  (As a consequence of the four-day public holiday at the beginning of November these payments had to be brought forward to the end of October in order to ensure that beneficiaries could surely receive them until 5 November. Consequently, the cash-flow account figure is lower in October and will be higher in November by precisely this amount.) Excluding these expenditures the central sub sector of the state budget would have closed with a surplus of 22.5bn HUF in the month of October. In October 2011 the surplus of the central sub sector of the state budget equaled 242.7bn HUF.

With regard to the end-of-October deficits in 2011 and 2012 of the central sub sector, excluding one-off items and calculated therefore on the same basis, this year’s figure of 78.2 percent is more favourable than the 92.3 percent of last year.

The central sub sector of the state budget at the end of October 2012 closed with a deficit of 658.1bn HUF, while at the end of October 2011 this deficit totaled 1327.8bn HUF.

(Prime Minister’s Office)