"The resources of women, who constitute half of society, must be managed efficiently, because then the economy will become even more successful.

The increased role of women in the economy is not just an issue of equal opportunities, but also one of competitiveness", Ministerial Commissioner responsible for improving the status of women on the job market Piroska Szalai said at a roundtable discussion organised to mark the Festival of Hungarian Science in Kecskemét, central Hungary.

The event was held under the title Innovation – Creativity – Women from the World of Science and Business, and showcased the realisation of innovative ideas in Kecskemét. According to the Ministerial Commissioner, creativity and innovation provide the solutions to most problems, and she called the examples presented in Kecskemét exemplary. Ms. Szalai also stressed that 43 percent of all women in employment in Hungary work in the knowledge-intensive economy, adding that the number of women of active age employed within the fields of science, technology and innovation has increased significantly in Hungary. According to Commissioner Szalai, the creative industry, innovation and the local knowledge-.intensive economy would be unimaginable without women.

An important step forward within this field is the lifting of the ban on working while on paid parental leave, the Ministerial Commissioner also stressed at an event on Saturday. In accordance with the most recent government decisions, from 1 January 2014 mothers will no longer have to choose between raising their children and working, and will be able to work while on parental (maternity) leave. This new measure will provide families with greater security, Piroska Szalai emphasised.

(Ministry for National Economy)