The government has been and will be committed to achieving the deficit target. The proof of this commitment is that this is the first government since Hungary’s EU accession in 2004 which cut the budget deficit to below 3 percent.

It might be an issue whether the government had applied the best instruments to achieve its objective; nonetheless the objective has been reached unquestionably. Namely, it has not been argued whether or not Hungary would meet the below 3 percent deficit target.

The government informed the European Commission already in March that in order to secure the deficit target it would adjust the budget by about 0.4 percent of GDP. The government has also adopted a resolution on this issue.

The government is strongly committed to adhering to the figures of the Hungarian budget in line with EU requirements, even if the method of calculating such key figures is often unreliable.

The government considers the excessive deficit procedure against Hungary a technical issue. It is reassuring, however, that this opinion is shared by the Hungarian member of the European Commission László Andor, too.


(Ministry for National Economy)