The Government is doing everything in its power to make going into business worthwhile, and new opportunities will be provided within all instruments and resources between 2014 and 2020, announced the Ministry of National Economy's Parliamentary Minister of State for Economic Strategy in Budapest on Thursday.

At the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry's "Hungarian Artisan Masterpieces" award ceremony, the Minister of State, who is was also the event's chief patron, stressed that the country has a great opportunity ahead of it within the field of enterprise development. The Government would like to spend 1100 billion forints between 2014 and 2020 on reinforcing the status of small and medium-sized enterprises, fifty percent more than in the current seven-year period, he stated, adding that the Government would also like to incorporate this budget into a kind of industrial policy in which an important role is played by the local economy.

Photo: Ministry of National Economy

The Minister of state pointed out that at least as important as finances is the decreasing of administrative burdens, with regard to which progress has been made, although those affected do not always feel this first hand. Among the changes, which also help arts and crafts enterprises, the Minister of State pinpointed several measures aimed a simplifying employment. He also mentioned that the Government regards the reinforcement of local markets as an extremely important tool to help SMEs in the 2014-20202 development period.

President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKIK) László Parragh stated that they would be proposing that the preservation of arts and crafts and artisan activities be included among the tender opportunities during the distribution of European Union funds for the next seven-year financial period.

In his speech, the MKIK President reminded those present that the Chamber had established the Hungarian Artisan Masterpieces tender eleven years ago in the interests of raising the business culture of traditional trades and the esteem of the arts and crafts industry, as well as to discover new market opportunities.

Photo: Ministry of National Economy

The popularity and rank of the tender has grown continuously since then. In 2002, only 27 applicants submitted their creations, of whom 14 were awarded the title of Hungarian Artisan Masterpiece, but in 2013, 2013 entries were submitted, of which the jury awarded the title to 39. During the adjudication process, important criteria included the originality of the product, to extent to which it remained true to traditions that preserve the national culture and unique values, the quality of production and its possible contribution to tourism.

In addition to the presentation of Hungarian Artisan Masterpiece awards, a special award was also presented to the winner of the public choice vote, first introduced during the 2012 tender and exhibition. The products of this year's winners will be in display in the Hungarian Museum of Agriculture between 12 July and August 11.

(Ministry for National Economy)