For the Federation of German Industry, every condition is given to encourage German enterprises to invest in Hungary, Federation for German Industry President Ulrich Grillo said earlier today after meeting with Minister for National Economy Mihály Varga.

At the meeting, Mihály Varga stated that German enterprises and investment projects have played a key role in the economic consolidation process of Hungary. Therefore, the performance of the German economy is a crucial factor for the country.

Germany has been the most important trade partner of Hungary, and as the Minister stressed he is glad that Hungary is among the top twenty of Germany’s trade partners. Through the creation of jobs, the introduction of new technologies and better access to markets, German investment projects have contributed to the fact that Hungary has managed to improve employment and economic prospects even under the crisis, Mihály Varga said.

The two parties have evaluated the EU’s growth outlook and perspectives in general and the German-Hungarian economic relations in particular. At the event, they also discussed the role of German investors within the re-industrialization programme of the country. Ulrich Grillo emphasised that predictability and mutual trust are the two most significant factors for investors.

Both parties were of the opinion that besides supporting traditional sectors, assisting and bolstering the service sectors are a task of primary importance.

(Ministry for National Economy)