The European Commission informed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs last week that it would withdraw its pending case against Hungary with the European Court of Justice regarding the telecommunications taxes, introduced in 2010 temporarily.

The European Commission turned to the European Court of Justice in October 2012, after sending a letter of formal notice to Hungary. The decision to withdraw the case against Hungary and against Spain came after the European Court decided in favour of France in a similar case. The Commission’s spokesperson informed in a statement that in view of the recent Court of Justice judgement regarding telecommunications charges in France, the Commission decided on 18 July 2013 to withdraw the cases on the same issue pending before the Court against Spain and Hungary as well. The French case is of direct relevance for related cases concerning other Member States, the spokesperson added.

The Hungarian Government welcomes the European Commission’s decision to drop the infringement procedure against Hungary confirming the position consistently represented by the Government that the provisions on telecommunications taxes are fully in line with the EU legislation.

On another infringement procedure contesting the lawfulness of telephone taxes the Government is expecting a similar decision from the EU’s executive body, since the same arguments have been put forward by the European Commission in both cases outlined above.

Despite the increased media attention, the number of infringement procedures launched against Hungary puts the country among those EU member states with fewer than average such procedures in force against them.

(Ministry for National Economy)