The implementation of the Development of Hungary 2030 – National and Regional Development Concept adopted in December last year will also help Hungary to become one of the leading economic and intellectual powerhouses of Central and Eastern Europe within the next sixteen years, Minister of State for Planning Coordination István Komoróczki said at a press conference in Budapest.

The measures formulated in the concept may narrow the gap between regional differences and speed up the integration of disadvantaged regions.

The Minister of State stated that the document defines comprehensive development objectives until 2030: economic growth ensuring productive employment, the establishment of a sustainable geographical structure, the blocking of the demographic decline of the Hungarian population within a reasonable period of time, the creation of a healthy and open society, the preservation of natural resources and assets as well as the protection of environment.

In the opinion of István Komoróczki, prior to 2010 regional development policy was unable to achieve the projected goals, as the development of regions failed to accelerate, differences increased between the various regions, regional development institutions were characterized by overlaps, parallel activities and low efficiency while the system lacked a strategic focus.

Speaking about the new concept the Minister of State said that the document had been prepared through close cooperation with ministries, the municipality of Budapest and the counties’ local governments and before it was finalized they had held consultations with more than 100 civil organizations and academic institutions, and anyone could express his opinion for six months on an internet site.

Thanks to the new planning attitude harmony has been established between domestic development and the utilization of EU resources, ideas of the counties have adapted to the objections laid down in the concept as these had been integrated into the pillars of the EU development period 2014-2020. Operative programmes basically aim to boost the economy, increase competitiveness and improve transport links, energy efficiency, employment, social inclusion as well as to develop rural regions, the Minister of State added.

He also emphasised that under the National and Regional Development Operative Programme counties, cities with county rights and related regions will be allocated separate funds in order to help achieve their objectives.

As far as counties are concerned, a total of HUF 450bn was earmarked. As an example, the Minister of State mentioned that in 2014-2020 Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County, Bács-Kiskun County, Hajdú-Bihar County and Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County will have an overall amount of HUF 45.8bn, HUF 35.8bn, HUF 33bn and HUF 28bn, respectively. For defining the size of allocations, he stressed, the level of economic development and the number of population were taken into consideration.

For the next seven years, resources of HUF 220bn were set aside for 22 cities with county rights, except for Budapest and Érd. Among these, for example, Debrecen, Miskolc, Szeged and Pécs will receive HUF 24.6bn, HUF 20bn, HUF 19.2bn and HUF 17.8bn, respectively. The principles of allocation included the level of economic development, the amount of local business tax, the number of inhabitants and the public duties of the county seat, the Minister of State pointed out.

CEO of Hungarian Society for Urban Planning Richárd Ongjerth, the institution which prepared the preliminary evaluation study of the document, called the endorsement of the concept a milestone in the history of Hungarian regional planning. It happens for the first time ever, he stressed, that there is a good chance for introducing a balanced, proportionate system.

(Ministry for National Economy)