In order to improve the competitiveness of hauliers, today the Government concluded an agreement with private transporters on a compensation scheme for e-tolls.

The agreement was signed by Minister for National Economy Mihály Varga, representing the Government, and on behalf of transport enterprises by Secretary General of the Federation of International Private Transporters Gábor Dittel, President of the Hungarian Road Transport Association Dr. Zoltán Vereczkey and President-CEO of Waberer’s International and President of the National Partnership Forum for Hauliers György Wáberer.

The objective of the Agreement is to implement competitiveness-boosting measures for hauliers simultaneously with the introduction of the usage-based e-toll payable for transport on motorways and main roads, and to make available a state-funded working capital loan facility which enables the financing of e-toll payments.

In order to realise this goal, the agreement provides three significant concessions for hauliers: vehicle tax for vehicles with pneumatic suspension and trailers will decrease, 7.5 percent of the usage-based e-toll will be deductable from local business tax and a preferential working capital loan facility will be introduced.

The Government believes that the finalised strategic agreement indicates success for this sector, as it will assist hauliers in adjusting to the e-toll system. The parties also formulated their common intention that for the sake of efficient cooperation and partnership they will in the future review the current agreement and evaluate partnership options on the basis of experience derived from the November 2013 introduction and utilisation of the e-toll system.

(Ministry for National Economy)