After the consolidation of over one billion forints implemented last year, the Government is to settle the remaining debts of Oroszlány, amounting to ca. 900 million forints, Minister of National Development Zsuzsa Németh announced in Oroszlány on 9 January, 2014.

The debt settlement of local authorities, to be completed by the end of February, has been implemented in several phases, Zsuzsa Németh explained.  From the beginning of 2012, the state took over the operation of public institutions from county authorities, while also taking over counties’ debts of almost 200 billion. In the second phase, still in 2012, the government settled the debts of minor settlements of a total value of HUF 74 billion at the national level.

In the third phase, the state took over 40-70% of the debts of large settlements, thereby relieving them of HUF 610 bn debts altogether. In Komárom-Esztergom County, this meant taking over ca. HUF 23 billion debts. The Government is to settle also the remaining debts of settlements in the county amounting to HUF 20.5 bn by the end of February, the Minister announced. In the first month of 2014, the state is to relieve all settlements in Hungary of their remaining debts of a total amount of HUF 420 billion, Zsuzsa Németh added.

(Ministry for National Economy)