The Ministry of National Economy proposed to waive social contributions after every worker under the age of 25, Deputy State Secretary Sándor Czomba in charge of employment policy said on Wednesday.

Deputy State Secretary Czomba said the measure would apply for the first two years of employment. There are no plans to change minimum wages for career starters because the Government's job protection action plan represents a much better solution and is expected to apply to more than one million people, he said.

Deputy State Secretary Czomba said that the Government also approved a proposal to create a database, with the participation of institutions that compile labour market statistics, in order to get a monthly figure for the number of employed,. Currently German and Austrian examples are being studied since these countries already operate similar databases, he added. The Government expects 1-2% increase in the number of private sector employees this year, which represents around 30,000 more employed than last year, the Deputy State Secretary stated. He said that out of the 120,000 newly employed between 2010 and 2012, only 6,000 were established within public sector work schemes. The cabinet aims to create 1 million new jobs by 2020, mainly within the private sector, Deputy State Secretary Czomba added, stating that currently there are approximately 459,000 registered job seekers in the country.