Although in light of the latest Eurostat data, as a whole, the number of people in employment declined in Q4 2012 within both the eurozone and the European Union, in Hungary, the relevant figure improved. Hungary achieved the fourth best growth rate in the EU regarding this field.

In comparison to the previous quarter, only eight member countries recorded growth, and Hungary was the fourth of these. The number of those in employment increased to the largest extent in Latvia (0.8 percent), Luxembourg (0.6 percent), Poland (0.4 percent), Hungary (0.3 percent) and Austria (0.2 percent).

In this period, compared to the previous quarter, the number of people with a job decreased by 0.3 percent in 17 EU member countries and by 0.2 percent in the EU 27, while in comparison to data for the same period in the previous year, the decrease was 0.8 percent in the Euro-zone and 0.4 percent in the EU.

The Government of Hungary hopes that even those who routinely question domestic employment data will now at least believe Eurostat.

(Ministry for National Economy)