At a press conference today Minister of State for Employment Policy Sándor Czomba stated that the latest employment figures in Hungary are encouraging, since the numbers are approaching four million, the highest level since 1992.

According to data published by the Central Statistical Ofiice (KSH) on Wednesday, the number of people in employment in the August-October period stood at 3 million 992 thousand. According to KSH, the number of unemployed people was 434 thousand, which means the unemployment rate fell by 0.7% to 9.8%.

DownloadPhoto: Gergely Botár

There are currently 57 thousand more people in employment which amounts to a 1.5% increase compared to the same period in 2012. Compared to 2010, employment has increased by 235 thousand, roughly comprising of 80 thousand people in public employment, 50 thousand short-term migrants and 100 thousand new private sector workplaces. Mr Czomba emphasised that this data does not include people employed within the framework of the winter public work programme.

He emphasised that employment within the 15-24 year age group also increased in the August-October period, partly thanks to the "First Job Guarantee" programme launched in March 2013. He pointed out that thanks to the programme a total of over 7000 young people have found jobs.

The Minister of State said that the European Union also regards youth employment as an important issue, and has launched the Youth Guarantee programme. According to this initiative Hungary will have additional 15 billion forints available, to help the advancement of young people in four disadvantaged regions.

Mr Czomba pointed out that these figures indicate that, in contrast to European tendencies, Hungarian economic and employment policy is capable of achieving economic growth while maintaining, and in fact increasing the level of employment.

(Ministry for National Economy)