HANtech Ltd of Csorna, a producer of agricultural machinery and equipment, finalized a technological investment project valued at HUF 240 million, for which the company had obtained state funding of more than HUF 80 million.

In his welcome speech, Minister of State for Employment Sándor Czomba said that resources were allocated to an enterprise with 100 percent Hungarian ownership which is creating new jobs.

HANtech Ltd won the tender money and thus support last year for a complex technological development project. Under this, the company purchased, among others, laser cutting apparatus, welding machines and trolleys, Board President György Tallér said.

Sándor Czomba praised the developments of HANtech Ltd as a success story. He stressed that although it is risky to invest in time of crisis, but those who do dare make this step may be the frontrunners of the coming period.

Thanks to the current investment project, the company increased the number of employees by 20, and thus they have 205 people on their payroll but they still plan to hire another 10-15 people. Some other development projects are also under way at HANtech, targeting the purchasing of machinery and the updating of the production facility. This is planned to be implemented by funding through tenders, but this year the company already spent some HUF 60 million of own resources on modernization. This year, the company had a record high turnover of HUF 3.8bn, the best figure in the almost 70-year history of the firm, Owner Pál Zelenka said.

(Ministry for National Economy)