Sándor Czomba, Deputy State Secretary for Employment spoke today at the inauguration of a new factory hall at British American Tobacco’s plant in Pécs. He praised the company’s long-term commitment to Hungary, where this year it is investing nearly 3 billion forints (over 10 million euros) and creating new jobs.

Deputy State Secretary for Agricultural Economy Zsolt Feldman also participated at the event, where he highlighted that British American Tobacco not only employs nearly a thousand people, but contributes significantly to the livelihoods of tobacco growers in Hungary, who come mostly from disadvantaged backgrounds.

British American Tobacco has been present in Hungary for the past 20 years and is the country’s largest investor within the industry. The company purchases more than 40% of the tobacco grown in Hungary and exports 65% of its products to several countries around the world.

(Ministry for National Economy)