According to this morning's information summary from the Central Statistical Office (KSH), positive trends are continuing with regard to employment figures, which play a determining role in government policy.

The 28-month continuous rise in employment rates remains uninterrupted for the period September-November 2012, compared to the same period in the previous year, according to the latest KSH announcement. The number of people between the ages of 15 and 74 in employment has increased by 55 thousand to 3 million 925 thousand from 3 million 870 thousand in the previous year, and accordingly, the employment rate has risen to 51.3 percent.

With regard to the 15-64 age group, the data shows a similar trend with an increase of 56 thousand to 3 million 891 thousand from 3 million 835 thousand in the previous year, increasing the employment rate for the group to 58.1 percent.

According to the latest employment statistics from the KSH, the yearly comparison of employment rates rose for the 28th consecutive time during the period September-November 2012.

The number in employment rose by 1.4 percent (year-year) in the 15-74 age range, meaning that the employment rate for this age group rose by 0.9 percentage points to 51.3 percent from 50.4 percent in last year's similar period. The 15-64 age group experienced a similar increase in yearly comparison, with the employment rate for the group increasing from 56.7 percent to 58.1 percent compared to the same period in the previous year.

With regard to changes in employment rates by sex, the data shows that the indices for both sexes have improved. The employment rate for men between the ages of 15 and 64 increased by 1.5 percent to 63.7 percent compared to the similar period last year, while the employment rate in the case of women showed an increase of 1.3 percent (52.7%)

The Government's labour market measures have proved for over two years now that, despite the negative effects of the unfavourable external market environment that has been continuously present since the change in government, they are capable of sustaining positive trends and further increasing the employment rate. As a result of measures that centre on increasing employment, some 100 thousand more people were in employment in September-October 2012 than there were two years ago, when the number of people in public employment was at a similar level, in addition to which the number of people in employment during the period since the Government took power has increased by some 160 thousand people.

(Ministry for National Economy)