On Tuesday, President of the Republic János Áder appointed a new minister and state secretaries effective as of 2 June.
Tamás Fellegi, outgoing chief negotiator with financial organisations, announced at a Budapest financial summit on Thursday that IMF/EU negotiations can start in July, with an expected agreement in the autumn.
Talks over the last few months have culminated in the breakthrough achieved by Viktor Orbán and José Manuel Barroso at their meeting in Brussels yesterday. This is an important milestone, which is already producing favourable results in the markets. As you know, today there was a decision by the European Commission − the College of Commissioners, to be more precise − according to which, and I quote: “The Commission has decided to start talks with Hungary on precautionary financial assistance.”
Hungary's talks with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on financial assistance are likely to last for weeks, under the current international financial climate, Tamas Fellegi, chief negotiator for talks, told a press conference on Wednesday.
A quintilateral expert-level ad hoc task force will soon start consultations as to the specific form of the package that is designed to contain the rules related to the independence of the Hungarian central bank, Tamás Fellegi, minister without portfolio said on Thursday in Washington, where he conducted meetings with the country team of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) concerned with Hungary.
Convergence in the positions of Hungary and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) was seen in their agreement that economic and financial issues must be in the focus of IMF negotiations, minister without portfolio Tamás Fellegi said to MTI in Washington after two days of informal discussions held with IMF in the US capital.
Tamás Fellegi (Minister without Porfolio for Liaising with Certain International Financial Organisatons) today confirmed that the Hungarian Government continued to make efforts towards the earliest possible commencement and closing of negotiations with the IMF and the EU.
Minister without portfolio for negotiations between Hungary and certain international financial organisations Tamás Fellegi consulted deputy head of the EC and European Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs Olli Rehn about the actions required for the commencement of negotiations on an eventual safety line with the European Union and the IMF in Brussels.
Minister without portfolio Tamás Fellegi assesses the results of his informal consultation tour preparing for the official negotiations on the Hungarian credit. The press conference is aired live on our website.
On 19 January 2012 Minister without portfolio for negotiations between Hungary and certain international financial organisations Tamás Fellegi continued his informal consultations in Vienna to prepare the official negotiations on Hungary’s loan application.