The HDF NSE (Hungarian Defence Forces National Support Element) Afghanistan held a wreath-laying ceremony at the tomb of Aurel Stein.

The commander of the HDF NSE Afghanistan, Col. Eng. Dr Gyula Révész and Police Captain Bence Balassa, the Hungarian representative of EUPOL (European Police Mission in Afghanistan) laid their wreaths at the tomb of the world-known explorer at the British cemetery in Kabul.

The Hungarian archeologist known as Sir Marc Aurel Stein died in Kabul in the middle of the twentieth century. He is known as the most successful explorer of ancient Central Asia. Aurel Stein claimed himself to be Hungarian although he spent most of his life in Central Asia exploring. He made significant linguistic, archeological and geographical discoveries. Aurel Stein died during his last expedition in Kabul. His merits have been internationally recognized and appreciated.

(Ministry of Defence)