The experience our soldiers gain in mission areas can be put to good use in the interest of territorial defence, the armed defence of the Homeland”, said Dr. Csaba Hende on March 20. The Minister of Defence attended in Szolnok the “Welcome Home” ceremony for the 11th rotation of the HDF Provincial Reconstruction Team (HUN PRT-11) and the farewell ceremony for the troops to deploy with the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP).

“During the peacetimes that Europe – and Hungary within it – enjoys nowadays, the peak of military vocation and the highest manifestation of the profession is the work done in missions”, Csaba Hende stressed in the speech he delivered at the HDF ‘Lt. Ittebei Kiss József’ Helicopter Base. The Minister pointed out that the missions provide the best venue for cooperation on the issues that our allies consider important in the interest of global peace and security.

(photo: Mária Krasznai-Nehrebeczky)

Speaking on behalf of the Hungarian nation, the Minister thanked the troops who just returned from their tour of duty in Afghanistan for their devoted work. He highlighted that thanks to the available equipment and armaments, the HUN PRT-11 was able to undertake significantly more work than its predecessors. He reminded those present of the words of appreciation that German Defence Minister Thomas de Maiziere said during his whirlwind visit to Camp Pannonia in praising the very high professional standards of the Hungarian contingent.

(photo: Mária Krasznai-Nehrebeczky)

“I ask you to take care of each other and do not lose anyone” – this was how Csaba Hende said farewell to the Hungarian troops to deploy with UNFICYP. “Fly the Hungarian tricolor high, and make new friends for the Hungarian nation by doing a good job and pursuing honorable conduct”, the Minister of Defence said.

Also in attendance at the ceremony were Gen. Tibor Benkő, the Chief of the MoD Defence Staff, Maj.-Gen. László Domján, the Commander of the HDF Joint Force Command, Brig.-Gen. Zsolt Sándor, the Commander of the HDF 25th ‘Klapka György’ Infantry Brigade and Brig.-Gen. Imre Lamos, the Commander of the HDF 86th Szolnok Helicopter Base.

(Ministry of Defence)