Lots of lives have been saved by the Forward Deployable Army Surgical Team in Afghanistan PRT camp.
The Forward Deployable Army Surgical Team is capable of rapid and effective treatment in wartime conditions for critically wounded soldiers in combat.
The task of the surgeons is to perform life-saving surgical procedures under combat conditions. The team is prepared to treat a large number of patients simultaneously. Unfortunately due to deteriorating security situation in Afghanistan more and more wounded are transported to the PRT camp. In most cases the troops of the ANP (Afghan National Police) and the ANA (Afghan National Army) have to be cared for. Moreover German, American and Hungarian injured soldiers have been transported here, as well. The most common combat casualties are burns, shell, gunshot or abdominal wounds.
All of these injuries require prompt surgical treatment.
The American Maj. Jason M Seery, senior surgeon of FST said that his staff had prepared for Afghanistan mission in 99, 9999 per cent. The team is highly trained and well-equipped so they do their best to save lives in Afghanistan.
The 541st FST (Forward Surgical Team) has a history of 60 years. The team was activated in 1954 for the first time. Then in 1967 they were deployed in the Vietnam War. Following a long break the team was brought to life in 2006 in Fort Bragg, North-California. Twenty of the soldiers of the surgical team served fifteen months in Afghanistan between 2006 and 2008. Half of the team was deployed to Qalat the other half to Orgun.E. They arrived in Camp Pannonia in spring 2010. The FST has been effectively working together with the Hungarian medical soldiers in Camp Pannonia since then.
(Ministry of Defence)