The HDF National Support Element (HUN NSE) has the mission of supporting the Hungarian contingents deployed in the Afghanistan theatre and several indvidiual soldiers serving with various staffs.
The HUN NSE is responsible for all areas of logistic support, including military equipment and materiel supplies. Another related task is the operation, maintenance and repair of technical assets and the inventory of the materiel, broken down to contingents. Catering and fuel supply are implemented on the basis of technical agreements. Further tasks include the storage of the materiel, the replenishment of the stocks, the provision of temporary accommodation for incoming personnel as well as the distribution of incoming materiel supplies and their transportation to the contingents.
In almost all cases, the specialty-related tasks involve the movement of materiel, since the HUN NSE is responsible for acquisition and distribution in the area of operations. During one and a half months, close to 2000 personnel were transported and some 40 tons of materiel moved. The support section working under WO Csaba Béres’ command is actively participating in the execution of the above-mentioned tasks, professionally performing its daily duties despite the unusual weather conditions.
(Capt. Andrea Kleinné Nagy)