The first rotation of HDF NSE Afghanistan is about to complete its mission in Mazar-e Sharif. The soldiers of the first rotation of HDF NSE have done their best to accomplish their tasks efficiently.

The contingent has been established to support the work of the Hungarian troops serving in Afghanistan. In co-operation with the experts of the 64th Logistics Regiment and the HDF Military Traffic Centre the National Support Element has delivered a full range of logistics and equipment maintenance services to units and personnel of HDF PRT Afghanistan. Among other duties HDF NSE has provided combat supplies, movement and transportation support as well as contracts management. The servicemen of the logistics hub have delivered one hundred and twenty tonnes of military equipment over the past five months. Furthermore they have organized the return flights of as many as 750 Hungarian soldiers. However the bulk of the work is yet to come. Currently they are organizing the travel of the HDF PRT home for Christmas holidays.

(Ministry of Defence)