NATO’s new strategic concept defining the future of the military organization for the next ten years has been adopted in Lisbon.

At the NATO summit held on 19 and 20 November heads of state and government resolved several issues concerning. Afghanistan, relations with Russia and security challenges NATO nations and Russia face today. At the summit meeting Hungary was represented by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. He was accompanied by the Minister of Foreign Affairs János Martonyi and the Minister of Defence Csaba Hende.

Russia has accepted NATO’s invitation to join the European missile defence shield. NATO’s strategic concept defining the future of the military organization for the next ten years has been adopted. Consequently, a complete defence system will be guaranteed for the European NATO member countries linking and developing the national missile networks serving the security of the military troops.

At the NATO summit participation in Afghanistan was on the agenda, as well. The representatives of the member countries agreed to hand over the responsibility to the Afghan government in 2014. In his speech Minister of Defence Csaba Hende emphasized the necessity of maintaining the capabilities to reach our ambitions. He indicated that during our upcoming EU presidency promoting the NATO-EU cooperation would be considered a priority.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán told the journalists: ’’The interest of Central-Europe has to be taken into consideration in the process characterized by enhancing relations between the West and Russia. ’’The head of government emphasized that more and more EU member states developed economic and investment cooperation with Russia. Concerning Afghanistan Prime Minister Viktor Orbán drew attention to Hungary’s increasing participation in mission. Regarding the Balkans the prime minister said that some countries in the Balkans had no clear perspectives. According to Viktor Orbán both EU and NATO have duties since the enlargement of the Alliance has to be expanded to the Balkans, as a whole.

(Ministry of Defence)