Hungarian PRT has helped the care of the wounded by delivering medical devices to a local Afghan doctor.

A week ago a terrible accident happened in Warchi, a mountain village of Jelga district. While families were gathering for a wedding, joy turned into mourning. The three-storey building collapsed with more than a hundred people inside. At least forty people most of them women and children were killed and over sixty injured. Most of the women and children staying at the top floor were killed.
Since the village is hardly accessible the locals are short of any medical assistance. Shortly after the incident the Hungarian PRT sent medical supplies to the region.

The shipment was compiled by the medical centre working in coordination with the local doctor. The American FST (Forward Surgical Team - Advanced Surgical Group) and the Hungarian Reformed Church, Baptist Aid (AID4LIFE) largely contributed to the medical relief. The delivery took a whole day because the poor road conditions posed a challenge even for a jeep. Hopefully the twenty-three boxes of painkillers, bandages, antibiotics, plasters, splints, plasters, disinfectants, infusion sets and syringes will save the lives of many wounded in the region.

(Ministry of Defence)