The HDF PRT (Hungarian Defence Forces Provincial Reconstruction Team) has nothing to do with space mission. Instead they carry out reconnaissance missions on the main road named Uranus connecting Pol-e Khumri with Mazar-e Sharif.

The HDF PRT (Hungarian Defence Forces Provincial Reconstruction Team) has nothing to do with space mission. Instead they carry out reconnaissance missions on the main road named Uranus connecting Pol-e Khumri with Mazar-e Sharif. This asphalt road proves to be the artery of the Afghan economy and the main supply road for ISAF troops. It is of key strategic significance. One of the main tasks of PRT is to control and secure the MSR (Main Supply Roads).

The insurgents’ aim is to cut the roads forcing ISAF inactive. The possibility of IED (improvised explosive device), secondary IED and combined raids is much greater here than on any other roads of the province. Accordingly, the attacks have become a daily occurrence over the last few months.
The security of the convoy is normally ensured by aerial reconnaissance. Before setting off the most dangerous road-sections are explored by SUAV (Small Unmanned Air Vehicle). Then moving directly in front of the convoy an aerial reconnaissance is carried out from a height it can see perfectly. Consequently, it cannot be detected by the enemy due to its dimensions and electric engine.

These roads are of key importance for the local security forces. Therefore the Hungarian soldiers usually carry out reconnaissance missions together with a unit of Afghan soldiers. In most cases they are part of Kandak supported by Hungarian-American OMLT (Operational Mentor and Liaison Team). The HDF PRT has a regular cooperation with local policemen and the international forces deployed in the region.

Not only the Hungarian but the American and German troops keep carrying out reconnaissance missions, sharing the tasks in this way. This is the road where the Hungarian convoy was attacked from an ambush on August 23. As a result of the incident two Hungarian soldiers lost their lives. IED attacks, constantly prepared ambush and suicide bomber attacks have continued to occur throughout the country on a regular basis.

This is why reconnaissance missions prove to be severe combats task for the soldiers. Each time the troops leave the camp they are physically and mentally prepared to fight.

(Ministry of Defence)