The ninth rotation of HDF PRT (Hungarian Defence Forces, Provincial Reconstruction Team) completed its duty and handed over authority to the tenth rotation on March 4.

During the ceremony held in Baghlan Province, Col. Dr Péter Lippai handed over authority to Lieut. Col. Balázs Szloszjár, the incoming commander of the 10th rotation of Hungarian PRT. The Afghanistan government leaders, NGOs of Baghlan province, commanders of Afghan National Security Forces and ISAF troops, representatives of NGOs and UNAMA as well as the commander of HDF National Support Element attended the transfer of authority ceremony. At the event Vice Regent of Baghlan Province praised the Hungarian PRT’s commitment in the 6-month deployment. The outgoing commander of PRT thanked the support and advice given by Afghan partners and allies of other nationalities. He especially thanked PRT-9 for the disciplined, hard work in one the most difficult periods of PRT’s history.

(photo: MH PRT)

Lieut. Col. Balázs Szloszjár outlined that the 10th rotation would continue the efforts of outgoing PRT in cooperation with the Afghan people. He hoped that the words of the Afghan national hero Ahmad Shah Massoud would always be prevalent. ’’Our policy is to maintain friendly contact with everyone.’’
At the end of the ceremony the incoming commander of PRT wished the Hungarian soldiers a safe return home from Afghanistan.

(Ministry of Defence,