The Chief of Police of Baghlan Province recently submitted an unusual request. Gen. Asadullah Sherzad requested the HDF Provincial Reconstruction Team (HUN PRT) to help the reintegration of former insurgents into society.

The general requested assistance from the HUN PRT in supporting the reintegration of ex-combatants into the Afghan society at a village of Jadid District, Baghlan Province, as part of the roadmap to peace announced by the Afghan government, which is a priority for ISAF.

An allied task force was set up, reinforced with the units of the Afghan National Police (ANP), the Afghan National Army (ANA) and the Afghan Local Police (ALP). The persons involved in the reintegration handed in their weapons to the authorized Afghan policemen, so that 50 insurgents turned in 48 weapons. The people to be reintegrated had opportunity to personally meet the HUN PRT commander, Col. Dr. Romulusz Ruszin and Gen. Asadullah Sherzad.

(photo: MH PRT)

Concurrent with the negotiations, the medical section of the HUN PRT, led by Lt.-Col. Dr. István Toperczer, the head of the section and his deputy, 1st Lt. Dr. Éva Zsíros, set up medical aid stations on two sites, in cooperation with the German medical staff. At these aid stations, they treated 150 patients in the short time available, mainly people who had not received basic-level medical treatment before. They were only able to give on-the-spot treatment, but they got a comprehensive picture of the public health situation of the region. They shared their experience with the health care office of Baghlan Province.

In support of the operation, the Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC) cell of the HUN PRT provided immediate assistance to the leaders of the village in the form of a relief supply that may be needed for protection against the winter weather.

(Ministry of Defence)