The Prime Minister acknowledged the best performing Hungarian competitors at the International Student Olympics and their teachers at a ceremony held in their honour in the Hungarian Parliament building on Monday.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán highlighted in his speech that the Hungarian successes in the Student Olympics prove that Hungarian education is still capable of keeping up with the world's best. The Hungarian Government is tirelessly working to ensure that these extraordinary students have the chance to find suitable opportunities in Hungary when they finish their studies.

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He encouraged them to gain experience abroad but stated that Hungary must become a country where people return to use the knowledge they have gained. "Being Hungarian shouldn’t only be an uplifting feeling, it should also be rewarding", said the Prime Minister. However it is a hard task to turn an 'impoverished and ransacked country' into the land of opportunity, Prime Minister Orbán continued.

The first steps have been taken, however, and as a result the employment of women and young people has increased for the first time in 10 years. There are good prospects for Hungary in the future and the Prime Minister believes that great opportunities will become available for the Hungarian spirit and to Hungarian knowledge.

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Prime Minister Orbán and Minister for Human Resources Zoltán Balog presented awards to students and their respective teachers in the field of chemistry, biology, mathematics, geography, astronomy and astrophysics, philosophy and computing for their results achieved at the International Student Olympics.

(Prime Minister’s Office)