A delegation from the European Union's Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee visited Hungary between 24 and 26 of September following a request from the European Parliament to prepare a report on whether recently adopted laws in Hungary are in line with the fundamental rights and norms included in the European treaties and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. The Committee also included Hungarian Members of the European Parliament, such as former Foreign Minister Kinga Göncz and member of the Hungarian Jobbik Party Krisztina Morvai.

The Hungarian Government welcomed the fact that the delegation visited the country to gather information objectively and offered its full cooperation. The European Parliament officials met with key figures of the Prime Minister’s Office, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice. Justice Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Tibor Navracsics informed the delegation about proposed measures concerning the retirement of judges, while Deputy State Secretary Ferenc Kumin hosted a working lunch where a constructive discussion was held about current Hungarian affairs.

The eight-member delegation also held talks with parliamentary group leaders, representatives of the judiciary as well as of civil groups. At a meeting with Attila Péterfalvi, the President of the Hungarian National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (NAIH), the delegation was briefed on recently adopted measures aimed at enhancing the authority’s independence in line with the European Commission’s requirements.

On the last day of their visit, Head of delegation Juan Fernando López Aguilar and rapporteur Rui Tavares held a press conference regarding their three-day visit. They both stated that the delegation came to Hungary on a fact-finding mission and will summarise its findings in a report after returning to Brussels. They emphasised that the Hungarian Government cooperated fully with the delegation, adding that they had fruitful discussions with the Government’s officials. Mr. López Aguilar also mentioned that they had good impressions and felt at ease during their stay in Budapest, stating that it is impossible not to fall in love with Budapest.

(Prime Minister's Office)