At a press briefing today held by Minister of State for the Prime Minister’s Office János Lázár and Fidesz MEP Ádám Kósa, one of the agenda points was the plan to make polling stations in all Hungarian settlements accessible to people with disabilities. In addition, the Minister of State explained that voluntary voter registration prior to elections would be valid for a four-year period, but that there would also be flexibility.

Ádám Kósa said that it is planned to make Braille aids available so that the visually impaired will be able to vote in elections without assistance, and that at least one polling station in every electoral district will be fully accessible for the disabled. These measures will strengthen the willingness to participate in elections. The MEP, who communicates in sign language, added that there is also a desire not to limit the voting rights of those with intellectual disabilities. He favours abolition of the paragraph in the Fundamental Law which makes it possible for a court to withhold voting rights from someone with intellectual disabilities. He also said that the website of the electoral office will be accessible to those with hearing impairment and intellectual disabilities, in addition to the visually impaired. According to János Lázár, the new legislation will be important at a European level as well.

In connection with voluntary voter registration, Minister of State Lázár said that it would apply to the general, local and European Parliament elections taking place in 2014. He added that the new bill on elections will have special provisions for those reaching the age of 18 within the four-year period during which registration is valid. The governing party will discuss open questions on Monday afternoon. The Minister of State, for instance, will move to abolish collection of nomination slips for potential candidates, in order to make the procedure easier; instead, alternative international practices will be considered. He said that Parliament is expected to adopt the new bill in November.

(Prime Minister’s Office)