“Once again Japan’s nuclear catastrophy has proved that our environment can only be protected jointly. Nature, including air, water do not know countries’ borders.” – said Mr. Sándor Fazekas Minister of Department of Rural Development at a press conference following the informal meeting of the Ministers of Environmental Protection.

It is for the first time that all Ministers of Environmental Protection from the 27 member states are in Hungary simultaneously. The meeting held in Gödöllő was attended as well by Janez Potocnik, the EU’s Commissioner of Environmental Protection. One of the most important priorities of the Hungarian Presidency is policy related to water. The politicians exchanged views about the future of Europe’s water supply, sustainable water management the consequences of extreme weather conditions and about the possibilities of preventing floods, inland water and drought. Mr. Sándor Fazekas went on saying after the meeting that the EU’s water strategy will be completed by next year and it should be approved during the Hungarian Presidency by the Council’s unilateral agreement this June.

Mr. Karl Friedrich Falkenberg, General Manager of the European Committee’s environmental protection emphasized that the Union’s new water strategy was launched from Gödöllő and this is where the ministers of member states started a dialogue about this crucial issue.

The politician explainded that water is indispensable not only for the body but it is extremely important as well in agriculture, food industry and energy management. Therefore it is vital to preserve our water supplies, secure sustainable water management and maintain influence over the future of the Continent’s water supplies with careful planning.

The EU’s water strategy is in agreement with guidelines related to water according to which the quality of water above the surface and under the surface has to be improved said the General Manager.

Mr. Sándor Fazekas emphasized that water is part of our national heritage and one our most important national resourses in the 21st century.

At the end of the informal meeting of the Environmental Protection Council a declaration was signed by the Ministers of Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Serbia and Slovenia in order to establish a Biosphere Reservation along the Mura-Dráva-Duna rivers, concerning all five countries. The goal of the Hungarian initiative is to establish a protected zone in the region, reaching across borders in order to preserve our natural resources.

(Ministry of Rural Development, Press Office)