The 25th International Food Industry Exhibition (SIAL) opened in Paris on Sunday with the participation of several Hungarian exhibitors. During the event, State Secretary for Agricultural Economy György Czerván held talks with the new French Minister for the agri-food industry Guillaume Garot.

One of the main topics of the discussions was the processing and distribution of goose and duck liver produced through forced feeding, in which both countries are world leaders. The French State is requesting Hungary's cooperation in preparing a long-term strategy to combat the State of California's ban on the import of such products. In addition, the recommend join action to increase consumer awareness and strengthen consumer confidence with regard to these issues.

Both Hungary and France and strong defenders of the European Union's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The French recently signed a trilateral declaration with Italy and Spain with regard to issues involving the CAP. Hungary welcomes this declaration, which stands by a strong CAP with a sufficiently large budget. Hungary agrees with the main objectives of the French, Spanish and Italian agriculture ministers, according to whom the CAP budget should remain at the level determined in the Commission's recommendation.

Food safety, food security, improving food quality and the promotion of agricultural products if of extreme importance to both nations. It is Frances intent to build closer ties with other member states, including Hungary, within these fields.

Also discussed was the expected completion of discussions in the near future with regard to a free trade agreement between the European Union and Canada. It is in the interests of both France and Hungary and sweet corn be included in the expected agreement as a protected, sensitive product.

The SIAL, which is organised every two years, is one of the world's largest and most prestigious international agriculture trade fairs. This year, the Agricultural Marketing Centre (AMC) helped Hungarian exhibitors to market their products on over 213 m, and who presented their high quality meat, poultry, and fish products, as well as canned, confectionery, delicatessen and frozen products in the French capital.

(Press Office of the Ministry of Rural Development)