We had strategically and operationally efficient, forward-looking negotiation in a friendly atmosphere – emphasized Mr. Sándor Pintér Hungarian Minister of Interior after his meeting with Joachim Herrmann, Bavarian Interior Minister.

The ministers discussed the common activities they developed common strategies and agreed on the fight against illegal migration and issues related to the Schengen border.

Joachim Herrmann, Sándor Pintér (Photo: Ernő Horváth)

Hungary and Bavaria have long standing experience in police – cooperation, in training and education of standby police and in carrying out common activities – highlighted the Hungarian Interior Minister.

The Parties agreed upon simple, operative issues too: Bavarian police officers will serve at the Balaton Lake and Hungarian police officers will support their German colleagues at the Munich Beer Festival– informed the Hungarian Interior Minister.

Today’s negotiation contributed to the deepening of the outstanding relation between the Bavarian and Hungarian Ministries of Interior – said Joachim Herrmann. The Bavarian State Police appreciates the cooperation with the Hungarian State Police which is constant since 1989.

Joachim Herrmann, Sándor Pintér (Photo: Ernő Horváth)

Most of the German population are concerned that the removal of Schengen borders can lead to an increase in crime – to this end intensive cooperation with Middle-East European countries will be of high importance in the future too – underlined the Bavarian Interior Minister.
