Foreign Minister János Martonyi held talks with his South Korean counterpart Yun Byung-se on October 18 in Seoul, where they signed a cooperation agreement on nuclear energy.

The goal of the Hungarian Foreign Minister’s visit is to give new impetus to Hungarian-Korean economic relations. Hungary can provide excellent conditions for Korean companies to operate their regional centres for the European market.

Photo: Ministry of Foreign AffairsJános Martonyi assured his colleague that Hungary supported the unification policy of South Korea and espoused the efforts for maintaining peace and security in the Korean peninsula. Budapest and Seoul will continue their close cooperation in the areas of cyber security, water management and other multilateral issues. The Hungarian and Korean Foreign Ministers signed a new bilateral agreement on the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.

During his visit to Seoul, János Martonyi also met with Lee Sang Hun, the CEO of Samsung Electronics, and other senior directors of the company.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)