The Office of the State Secretary directs the Ministry’s organisation, and ensures its coordinated operation. It prepares the Ministry’s organisational and operational regulations, makes proposals on the Ministry’s work schedule and continuously monitors implementation of the work schedule.
The State Secretariat for Parliamentary Affairs carries out specific tasks defined by the Minister, and takes part in developing and representing the Ministry’s standpoint. The Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs directs the mechanisms for reaching cross-party agreement, and gives opinions on plans developed in the course of the Ministry’s preparation of legislation.
The General Defence Staff is the Ministry of Defence’s high-level organisation for planning and concept development. This organisational unit coordinates the tasks of the armed forces of Hungary, develops recommendations for the planning, organisation and supervision of the Ministry’s military duties, and for the development of combat capability.
The mission of the Deputy State Secretary for Defence Economy and his staff is to supervise the planning of the military expenditures, ensure and control the execution of the budget, issue guidance on and regulate the sustainment and the technical development of the Hungarian Defence Forces, including procurement and operation of equipment, movable assets and properties, oversee Defence Industry Companies under the supervision of the Ministry, promote the defence research and development and manage the international cooperation in the area of defence economy.
The basic task of the Deputy State Secretariat for Defence Policy and Planning is the development and analysis of defence policy at ministry level, and within this coordinating the formation of a ministry-level standpoint on NATO defence policy and joint EU foreign, security and defence policy.
The Deputy State Secretariat for Legal and Administrative Affairs prepares legislation and amendments to legislation, and develops guidelines. It directs the ministerial legal supervision of the operation of the Hungarian defence forces, and its planning, organisation and implementation.