’’The Italian and Hungarian nations have a thousand years of common history. ” Minister of Defence Csaba Hende emphasized in his opening speech at the exhibition called ’Virtual Hungary’ in Turin, Italy, on 14 April.

This year, Italy celebrates the 150th anniversary of its unification as a single state. At the series of programmes held on this occasion Hungary has the opportunity to introduce its history and culture. The events take place in the building of Officine Grandi Riparazioni Ferroviarie and are organized in cooperation with the Hungarian Academy, Rome. The objective of the cultural programmes of the Hungarian EU Presidency is to promote Hungarian culture.

At the opening ceremony besides Minister of Defence of the Hungarian Republic, Csaba Hende Mayor of Turin, Sergio Chlamparino also gave a speech. Dr János Balla, Ambassador of the Hungarian Republic to the Italian Republic and Peter Kovács, Director of the Hungarian Academy, Rome also attended the event.

As part of the exhibition called ‘Virtual Hungary’ visitors may watch a film on the Hungarian inventions of the 21st century and on the Hungarian-Italian historical connections.

The exhibition will be open to visitors until 20 May 2011.
