Dr Zoltán József Tóth, Deputy State Secretary for Legal Affairs and Administration, MoD and Major General József Kovács, Commander of HDF Joint Force Command paid a four-day visit to the Hungarian Contingent of HDF UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus on 9 December. The delegation was received by Rear Admiral Mario Sánchez Debernardi, Commander of UNFICYP.

The guests were welcomed by the Guard of Honour comprising members of the UNFICYP Mobile Force Reserve (MFR) at the building of the HQ. Since the MFR is a multinational sub unit within UNFICYP the superiors greeted the Hungarian, Slovakian and British soldiers lining up to honour them. Afterwards the members of the delegation travelled to Athineaou to visit Sector Four, Unit 1 UNFICYP. Returning to the camp of Unit 1 Dr Zoltán József Tóth participated in a staff meeting where he conveyed the best wishes for Christmas and the New Year sent by Defence Minister Dr Csaba Hende. Thereafter the Hungarian delegation visited PB-91 patrol base where they got insight into job of the peacekeepers.
The troops of the Hungarian contingent UNFICYP expressed their thanks to the leaders present because following a recent visit to Cyprus Minister of Defence Dr. Csaba Hende and Chief of the Defence Staff Dr. Tibor Benkő took speedy action to supply the Hungarian contingent of UNFICYP with Desert Camouflage Uniforms. As a result, the peacekeepers of the mission no longer have to wear the dark, warm field uniform in Cyprus where the average daily temperature is 35-40 °C for eight months a year.
Photos: MSgt. Gabriel Zelei (SLOVCON), Capt. László Garaczi
Translated by Dóra Darnyik