MoD Parliamentary State Secretary Dr. István Simicskó ceremonially opened the 11th International Air and Military Show on August 7 at the HDF 59th Szentgyörgyi Dezsõ Air Base in Kecskemét. Although initially it was foggy, the first aircraft were cleared for take-off in the morning hours.

‘Civil and military aviation in Hungary has a 100-year history. The first young Hungarian officer, Capt. István Petróczy took off one hundred years ago, flying a somewhat fragile airplane of the age, so his flight was an act of courage that was not without risks. He ushered in the era of Hungarian military aviation’, this was how the State Secretary started his speech, pointing out that in addition to the centennials we are celebrating another anniversary this year, since Bertalan Farkas, the first Hungarian astronaut made his space flight thirty years ago in 1980. ‘I’m strongly convinced that these days our pilots are worthy of their predecessors’, Dr. István Simicskó added. The State Secretary went on to explain that the International Air Show in Kecskemét is much more than a mere spectacle. ‘These occasions demonstrate our pilots’ readiness. At the same time, being serious trials of strength, these events also provide them with ample opportunity to test their own skills. The way to self-esteem leads through self-knowledge – this is how one can get to know the pilots of other nations as well. In this way, different military cultures will develop friendly relations, and friendship is the token and basis of security’, the State Secretary said. Dr. István Simicskó added that those occasions when the barracks and other military installations open their gates to welcome thousands of visitors clearly indicate the civilians’ interest in military life and the Hungarian Defence Forces. ‘I’m always pleased to support the initiatives aimed at opening up the barracks gates so that civilians can learn about our soldiers’ living conditions, skills and capabilities. This is the way to achieve that our citizens consider defence of the homeland a national cause’, the State Secretary said. He finally pointed to the fact that the show was about the security of Hungary and that of its allies as well. Following the opening ceremony Dr. István Simicskó first watched the military hand-to-hand combat show of the HDF 25/88 Light Mixed Battalion then visited the static presentations given by the units of the HDF Joint Force Command. Afterwards a press conference was held at the Kecskemét Air Show within the exhibition entitled ‘100 years of Hungarian military aviation – the beginnings’ which was organized by the MoD Military History Institute and Museum. Here the State Secretary pointed out that besides the several state-of-the-art aircraft on display, the visitors can also learn about Hungary’s military traditions which may form the basis of today’s modern Hungarian Air Force and the modern Hungarian Defence Forces. ‘Our traditions show us the way ahead. The pilots of our age can still draw strength from those outstanding airmen’s example who served in World War I’, the State Secretary said, noting that the guests attending the event arrived from 22 countries. Talking at the press conference, Lt-Gen. Tibor Benkõ, Chief of Defence Staff Hungarian Defence Forces said the program was based on an air show but the visitors to the air base were also given a chance to find out more about both branches of service of the Hungarian Defence Forces in terms of military equipment, technical assets and personnel. Speaking about the adverse weather conditions Brig-Gen. Nándor Kilián, the flight director at the Kecskemét Air Show said there were several flying programs on offer to the visitors in spite of the bad weather at the outset.