Between October 4-10, an inspection committee paid a pre-deployment site survey visit to Camp Slim Lines, Pristina. Csaba Sári, the point of contact (POC) officer of the HDF Joint Force Command Operations (J3) Directorate accompanied the key leaders of the sixth rotation of the HDF KFOR contingent (KFOR-6 HUN CON) to Kosovo.

During the visit Lt.-Col. Miklós Tajti, the commander of the KFOR-5 HUNCON briefed the key leaders of the next rotation about the current situation, the operational priorities and the documents regulating the work of the contingent.

After the briefing the guests were shown around the camp, and introduced to the living and working conditions, then the members of the Hungarian delegation had a short discussion with the Portuguese partners playing the lead nation role in the camp.

The exchange of experience involved a joint Portuguese–Hungarian demonstration to show the guests the crowd and riot control (CRC) techniques used in the two nations’ armed forces.

(Ministry of Defence)