A four-day programme started in Pákozd Military Memorial Park on 25th September. During the events the participants commemorated the heroes of the 1848 Revolution and welcomed the troops of the HDF land forces.

At the opening ceremony of Pákozd Military Festival Administrative State Secretary Lajos Fodor said: “This day has a dual significance. On the one hand we commemorate the events happened 162 years ago on the other hand we have the opportunity to deepen the relations between soldiers and civilians.” Administrative State Secretary Lajos Fodor pointed out: “As an ally of NATO keeping peace must be our priority therefore we must possess strong and reliable Armed Forces. Those who are not familiar with their past do not understand the present and cannot build the future, either. The troops can be proud of the memory of the Battle of Pákozd.”

At the opening ceremony MP László L. Simon emphasized: “Hungary cannot be strong without strong Armed Forces. HDF must hold on abroad and within our borders. He also said: “Pákozd is the place where military traditions keep coming alive.”

In his speech Mayor of Pákozd, János Takács said: “Pákozd Military Memorial Park has become a place to remember historical events.”

Following the speeches a ceremony was held by the ‘Hungarian Army and Society Association’. Colonel István Görög welcomed the participants and a memorial service was held by Major General József Kovács. In his speech he said: “As the Monument of the Battle of Pákozd was in a bad state of preservation the association started an initiative to expand the Military Memorial Park with new buildings in 1997. As a result a significant historic place has been created in Pákozd. This must be the place where the ties between the civilians and the military can be strengthened.”