The troops of the Hungarian PRT will face great challenges in the next few weeks. The allied forces have completed their operations and banished the insurgents. The CIMIC and PSYOPS teams have been doing their best to improve the living conditions of the people in the region.

Although the situation in Afghanistan is particularly complex and difficult the negotiations with the Afghan official and tribal leaders have accelerated. For safety reasons resolving the existing conflicts is of key priority. Therefore launching various projects and developments should be achieved with great caution and careful attention. Although the presence of the well-organized ambush has significantly decreased due to the continuous presence of ISAF and Afghan security forces, the possibility of IED (improvised explosive device) attacks must be taken into account. Although the territory is not considered to be safe the soldiers cannot feel threatened because realization of the initiated projects is of utmost importance.
The Afghan population is aware that the Hungarian PRT has limited possibility of development therefore not all of their needs can be satisfied. At the same time they count on the Hungarian soldiers and need their help in reconstruction. Translated by Dóra Darnyik