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The package of measures aiming to lower tax and administrative burdens, which will make life easier for both new, innovative startups and their investors, is expected to be submitted to Parliament as early as this autumn, Minister of State Zoltán Cséfalvay said at the opening ceremony of the Central European Startup Competition, an event of Startup Spring 2014.
On opening the Hungarian-South Korean Economic Cooperation Forum in Budapest, jointly organized by the Hungarian Chamber of Trade and Industry and the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Minister for National Economy Mihály Varga said that Hungary is well prepared to strengthen bilateral business relations between the two countries.
The four countries’ ministers responsible for research, development and innovation signed a joint statement on enhanced collaboration among the Visegrád countries within the ERA after a session of coordination, organized by the Hungarian presidency, was completed in Budapest.
The Biotechnology Outreach Conference, organised by the Hungarian Biotechnology Association took place in Budapest October 24. Minister of State Zoltán Cséfalvay, who was the patron of the event made the opening remarks. He talked about Hungarian economic policy also with regard to future plans, as well as the Government’s innovation strategy.
Minister of State for Taxation and Monetary Affairs Gábor Orbán emphasised that the Budget could be financed from the markets both last year and this year, thus the country no longer needs IMF financing.
Hungarian Economic Minister Gyorgy Matolcsy talks to CNN about his country's "unconventional economic policy measures."
OECD Secretary General Angel Gurría and Hungarian Minister for the Economy György Matolcsy launched the "Going for Growth 2011" OECD publication in Budapest.