According to the latest data from the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH), employment growth is continuing unabated. In the period November 2012-January 2013, 39 thousand more people were employed than one year ago. Thus, the number of people in employment in the 15-74 year age group increased from 3 million 816 thousand to 3 million 855 thousand. This was the 30th consecutive month in which the number of people in employment was higher compared to the corresponding period of the previous year. Employment indicators show signs of improvement with regard to both sexes and every age group.

Data for those aged 15-64 years signal favourable trends similar to those for the of 15-74 year age group. In the former category, the number of people in employment increased by almost 38 thousand from 3 million 784 thousand one year ago to 3 million 822 thousand, and thus the employment rate for this age group edged up to 57.1 percent from 56 percent in 2011-2012.

Among those aged 15-74 years, the number in employment increased by 1 percent (year/year), according to which the employment rate of this age group was up by 0.6 percentage points from 49.8 percent in the corresponding period of the previous year to 50.4 percent. The employment rate increased by 1.1 percent for the 15-64 age group. As far as the gender aspect of employment change is concerned, indicators have improved for both sexes. The employment rate of men aged 15-64 years increased by 1.1 percent to 62.5 percent compared to the same period of the previous year, while that of women was up by 0.9 percentage points (to 51.8 percent).

Source: KSH

Measures aimed at increasing employment have proven once again that despite an inauspicious European macroeconomic climate the Government is capable of assuring the realisation of one of the country's most important economic policy objectives, boosting the employment rate.

(Ministry for National Economy)