Minister for Rural Development Sándor Fazekas visited Lendva (Lendava, Slovenia) at the invitation of the National Community of Hungarian Local Governments in Pomurska on 16 March. During his visit to Slovenia, Mr. Fazekas and Slovenian Minister for Agriculture and the Environment Dejan Židan took part in a series of events to mark the Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence of 1848-49.

During talks between the two Ministers, Sándor Fazekas reported on Hungarian concerns regarding proposed EU regulations on combating invasive species, with special regard to regulations concerning acacia trees, which are practically a national tree in Hungary and are not regarded as invasive species.

DownloadPhoto: Press Office of the Ministry of Rural Development

Dejan Židan assured his Hungarian counterpart of Slovenia support in saving historic Hungarian acacia groves. Mr. Fazekas welcomed Slovenia's European Honey Initiative, which aims to increase awareness of the importance of honey and agricultural products, healthy living and locally produced foods. Hungary's and Slovenia's commitment to cultivating GMO-free crops was also reinforced at the meeting.

At the 15 March commemoration organised by the National Community of Hungarian Local Governments in Pomurska, the two Ministers laid wreaths and gave speeches. In his address, Mr. Fazekas stressed that there are signs and memories of the events of the 1848-49 Revolution and War of Independence throughout the Carpathian Basin, adding that it is the task of posterity not to allow the heroic acts of history to be forgotten and to preserve the feeling of solidarity between the peoples of the Carpathian Basin.

(Press Office of the Ministry of Rural Development)