The Minster for Rural Development called the Land for Farmers Programme unique, and went on to point out that the Government's goal is to facilitate the strengthening of the agrarian middle class. At the event organised to mark the close of the Programme, Mnister Sándor Fazekas said that the programme's success had provided a swift answer to every concern. In summary, Minster of State for the State Land Programme Márton Bitay said that the second Orbán cabinet has increased the number of land users tenfold.

The Minster for Rural Development called the Land for Farmers Programme unique, and went on to point out that the Government's goal is to facilitate the strengthening of the agrarian middle class. At the event organised to mark the close of the Programme, Mnister Sándor Fazekas said that the programme's success had provided a swift answer to every concern. In summary, Minster of State for the State Land Programme Márton Bitay said that the second Orbán cabinet has increased the number of land users tenfold.

DownloadPhoto: Csaba Pelsőczy
At the event, farmers who had successfully applied for the leasehold to state farmland were ceremoniously presented with their land use agreements, including primary producer György Zsombor from Tiszaderzs, the 6000th Hungarian farmer to be awarded a leasehold contract to farm state-owned land.

Mr. Bitay stressed that never before has any government supported locally resident farmers with so much land, adding that a conscious national policy was allied with a conscious agrarian policy, with the aim of strengthening the position of the agrarian middle class.

Our goal from the beginning has been to reduce the number of large farms and increase the ratio of small, and especially family run farms within Hungarian agriculture, the Minister of State said, reminding those present that prior to 2010 only 600 leaseholders farmed state-owned land, while the Orbán government has increased this number to 6000.

(Ministry of Rural Development)