A 6.3 billion forint government-funded wastewater project will launched this spring involving eight settlements in the Eastern Nyírség region of Northeast Hungary around the town of Baktalórántháza, the Ministry of Rural Development's Parliamentary State Secretary Gyula Budai announced in Apagy at the signing of the contracting agreement.

Mr. Budai said that the Cabinet had decided to provide HUF 450 million in additional state funding on 29 December in view of increased costs, as a result of which construction of the wastewater networks and the modernisation of the existing drainage system of the towns of Apagy, Baktalórántháza, Magy, Napkor, Nyíribrony, Nyírtét, Ófehértó és Ramocsaháza can now begin.

Photo: Ministry of Rural Development Press OfficeIndependent MP István Kis, Mayor of Apagy and Chairman of the Eastern Nyírség Public Waterworks Investment Project Association founded by the local governments of the eight towns and villages involved, informed the press that 85 percent of the settlements' property owners had already indicated their wish to connect to the new sewage system, and will pay HUF 1900 per month over a period of 60 month as a contribution towards the costs of the project.

The project includes the reinforcement of the existing sewage pipe system and the modernisation of the wastewater management facility of the town of Baktalórántháza, with works being performed by KE-VÍZ 21 Ltd. and Közgép Zrt.

These two companies will also be the contractors at the construction of sewage system in the settlements of Apagy, Napkor and Nyírét, and of the joint wastewater treatment facility at Apagy, in addition to establishing sewage systems at Ófehértó and Magy, whose wastewater will flow into the Levelek sewage treatment facility.

Mrs. Ferenc Vitális and Independent MP József Simon, Mayors of Nyíribrony and Ramocsaháza told Hungarian news agency MTI that the sewage system of the two settlements would be constructed by Híd-Építő Zrt. és a Swietelsky Ltd. A new wastewater treatment facility will be established in Nyíribrony, which would also treat the sewage generated by the town of Ramocsaháza, almost three kilometres away.

The contractors, depending on the weather, plan to begin operations at the eight settlement in March or April, and testing of the new systems ar eexpected to begin following the connection of properties at the end of 2015.

Fidesz-KDNP Mayor of Baktalórántháza Lajos Nagy told MTI that the local governments of the eight settlements were contributing 5 percent of their own development resources towards the realisation of the HUF 6.4bn project.